3 ways we can help you
3 ways we can help keep you afloat through COVID-19
From everyone at CFM, we hope you are doing okay through this challenging period.
As CFM service the fitness industry and have so for the past 30 years, we are in this challenge together and we really feel for the difficulty and scary times clubs and communities are facing.
We are looking at all options in order to help clubs survive this time. We have three insights, ideas and offers we wanted to share with you that could help..
1 - Debit Success & Member Payments
We have spoken with the Management at Debit Success and we wanted to share with you that members are able to continue making their payments, whether it be as goodwill to help keep your club survive or to continue to receive service in the form of fitness coaching, programming or video classes, which we are seeing across the industry.
To do this, please follow the below instructions from Debit Success.
For customers that have already been setup and are moving to online services the following options are available;
- If you are making arrangements to continue billing your members at the current rates, we ask that you obtain written confirmation from members indicating their acceptance of this. It is important to note that this MUST be offered as an 'Opt-in' option to members, rather than a default action.
When communicating with members, please include the text below and request they respond via written email with this text:
"I agree for you to continue deducting from my account the current amounts being deducted at the current frequency, using my existing direct debit authority".
Please then forward the member's response to work.r@debitusccess.com and our team will lift the suspension. Additionally, at the end of each week, please email work.r@debitusccess.com a list of all members who have opted in to continue being billed and this will be audited against the emails received.
2 - CFM Online Fitness Campaigns
We are also passionate about helping the community stay active and healthy during this period. Today we asked Debit Success if clubs can promote online sign ups for remote services during this time and they can. If you are offering a service to your members or community, we are available to offer an online campaign to help promote this service.
We will only cover our costs and you won’t spend a cent. All the while getting you some income to get through this period.
All memberships would be from home, online, and would cancel automatically when gyms are able to open again.
3 - CFM Marketing by the hour
Alternatively, if you are looking at ways to maximize this time away from the club, we are offering ‘by the hour’ marketing for videography, social media marketing, website design, sales training and we are happy to offer flexible payments options, so please get in touch if we can help in this way.
We wish you all the best through this difficult period, our industry is too good to not stick together and rebound stronger. Please get in touch if we can help in anyway at all.
When this is over..
CFM are expecting a huge surge in campaign interest after the pandemic reaches the peak. To help clubs we will offer to adjust financial structures for new campaigns, so you will be guaranteed money straight away!
We will also be offering flexible campaign start times, so you can book and then postpone your start time to suit your club and area. Free MYZONE systems are an option to assist with retention and member experience.
To our incredible family at CFM and particularly the onsite Marketing Managers, Fitness Consultants and Telemarketers, who are on hiatus until this terrible situation changes, we would like to thank them for being the incredible human beings they are. We can’t wait to come back bigger and better with you once the situation is more positive! https://www.instagram.com/p/B-DmiJrjaJa/
Kind Regards,
The CFM Team